More about glasses…leftovers from the last blog. Do you see the glass half empty or half full? Or totally empty or totally full? That is always the question and your answer will probably not always be the same. You could see it overflowing with everything you desire, if you cultivate a mindset of abundance. The more often you can view the proverbial glass as half full or even all full then it will become so. (Universal law # 386.)

MIND SET – if you think you can or think you can’t you’re right. If you think you are an abundant being you are and if think you are not…well. Where is your head? Is it connected to your heart? that keeps expanding and says you can do anything you set your mind to do. Or, are you listening to those old voices, those old patterns, those old reruns of not good enough, not this enough or that enough. You are more than enough if you think you are. When the old reruns start playing, stop them by saying thank you, by looking in the mirror (this is very hard to do) staring into your own eyes and saying “I love you!” And, mean it! You may want to consider setting your mind to a different frequency today…just consider.

FAITH AND LOVE – a no worries, fear not way of looking at the world. It is natural for human beings to worry, to be anxious, and to wring your hands even when you’re doing the best, the very best that you can do. Not giving yourself credit for what you do keeps you in the fear place. Not loving yourself and what is good about your life keeps you in the fear place. Love is the antidote to fear. Some have called FEAR–False Evidence Appearing Real. Lack of faith will help to keep abundance away. Know that you are a beloved child of the Universe, God, the Angels (whoever you believe in) The bible says “it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom,” Luke 12:32. Believe it or not–always your choice.